There are countless books, songs, and teachings in regards to prayer, with many theologians and Biblical scholars claiming to have mastered this virtue; however, with all of their years of knowledge and experience combined and the diplomas in Theology and Psychology decorating their office walls, they are still novices in the school of prayer! To this date, it remains sublime and mysterious!
The truth about prayer is that it is not partial or based upon one’s religion or spiritual standing, for it is available to anyone interested in communicating with the true and living God. The educated and uneducated, elderly and young, male and female, etc. – all can partake. This Biblical passage gives insight that the key element about getting God’s attention is trust: “0 taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him (Psalms 34:8).”
Prayer is Vital for Anyone to Connect to the Spirit World
Regardless of church affiliation and religion, the vast majority of people have this trust and unanimously agree that prayer is fundamentally important to their lives. This may even hold true for those that do not even attend church. Prayer is the vital link between the natural world and the spiritual world and is the lifeline that connects man to his Creator – Almighty God.
On many occasions, even renowned atheists are on record of saying that during a time of crisis in their personal lives, they cried out in prayer to a God that they denied existed. These acts of faith resulted in their spiritual conversion and gave credence to the fact that God will not turn His back on those who cry to Him for help and seek His aid, even though they were at one time His enemies.
Many Positive Benefits
All Christians know that the road to Heaven begins with a prayer for forgiveness to God and confessing that Jesus Christ is their Lord. This faith results in the remission of their sins and their eternal salvation. Undeniably this may be seen as the ultimate benefit to prayer, but many do not realize that prayer is the moment when Heaven and earth come together. Heaven is opened to the true interceding prayer warrior who disseminates peace, health, favor, etc., to those in need and helps to bring man back in fellowship with God.
Prayer has Power and Does Things in the Spiritual Realm
Jesus prayed because He was in the flesh to bring the flesh in subjection as an example of the power of prayer. God wants to provide the Christian with spiritual insight and spiritual power. Even wicked people, such as those involved with the occult, try to emulate what the true Christian believer has. They rely on witchcraft, voodoo, divination, and enchantments through channeling and seances to aid their diabolical and wicked activities. By tapping into the spiritual realm, they connect with evil spirits which are avowed enemies of God. While some choose prayer, others tamper with spiritual wickedness. In conclusion, the soul was made to be satisfied with God, and this only comes through the divine attention gained from prayer.