A missionary, in the barest sense of the word, is one with a mission or a purpose; one who is commissioned, recruited or appointed to a task. There are many types of commissions: commissions in the armed services conferring the rank of officer, commissions to create a work of art or construct an edifice, there are commissions paid to agents transacting business, and there are commissions of crimes and treason. In all of the above descriptions of a commission there is no shortage of men and women who have accepted the charge laid on them, in fact most run with enthusiasm to fulfill the mission that the world lays upon them. There are men and women who gladly place their lives in jeopardy for a humanitarian cause, like delivering aid to people or nations in need; some risk life and limb pursuing what they view as a calling to protect trees or animals; there are those who run to the commission of crimes against themselves and their fellow man with only the basest intentions and desires driving them; but what of the high and noble commission that Christ lay upon His Church? The commission of reaching the entire world with the Good News of redemption that is made available to all through His blood? Here is the rub, the hesitancy of those of us who make our boast of having tasted of this free gift; who claim to have sold all in order to possess this pearl of great price, and to have been made partakers of the divine nature that left all the splendor of heaven in order that we might enjoy the pleasures of that place, and fellowship with its King, forevermore. Oh brethren! Why is it that the god of this world is never without one to stand for him and to run to do his bidding, while the King of Glory and the Lover of men’s souls must ever seek high and low for one to share the burden of His great heart of love? Do we suppose that the Macedonian call was one a one-time voice, never to be repeated? Does it not ring in your ears even today? Look into the eyes of the children on your street; who will tell them, who will love them?