Truth About

Truth About

Truth About


Getting into the real truth of the matter!

Truth About is not affiliated with any religious establishment, science center, or any other group but rather it is a blog that is dedicated to exposing the real truth.

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Truth about Aliens

Truth About
Truth About
Truth About
Truth About

Truth about Aliens

The subject matter of what is the Truth about Aliens has always been a controversial subject.  People have always wanted to know the truth regarding aliens and do they exist.  History is replete with this question; even the ancients have cave drawings of aliens and fast-forwarding to the modern era, there are several movies about aliens, such as ET and Men in Black.  There are multitudes of conspiracy theories floating around, such as Area 51 in the New Mexico desert.  Moreover, there is no shortage of alien speculation.


Aliens in the time of the Bible

The truth about Aliens has been speculated by many researchers concerning scriptures in the Bible and other historically preserved writings.  In Genesis 6:2, NIV, the Bible says, “the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.”  Some have thought could these heavenly beings possibly be some form of aliens from outer space.  Then take into consideration all the mythological folk tales that speak of gods and goddesses that travel from the celestial sphere into the planet Earth’s terrestrial sphere.  Several oral traditions have been communicated to future generations speaking of extra-terrestrial beings involved in the course of human affairs. 


Alien Sightings

From the past to the present, nearly everyone has seen some aliens flying in UFOs or Unidentified Flying Objects.  There are not enough books that can contain all the testimonies and UFO sightings that have been seen.  Even in the science fiction category, there are numerous movies, sagas, TV shows, and books that are filled with space travel and interactions with aliens.  Thus proving that there is nothing to be scared of aliens for;  the truth about aliens is that they are just as normal as human beings.  They have emotions, personalities and are just afraid of humans as humans are scared of them.

Furthermore, in space exploration, the facts prove through science that life can exist outside of the planet Earth.  On the recent space missions to Mars, science proves that some form of life may have existed at one time on that planet.  Come on, folks, common sense tells you that our aliens are real!  It is impossible that aliens could be made up; look at all the books, testimonies, and movies that have been made.  There is no way that aliens could be made, and it is a figment of the human imagination. 


The real truth about Aliens

The absolute truth about aliens is that they have integrated into every category of humanity.  Moreover, aliens have integrated into churches, temples, mosques, synagogues, and all religious circles and have displayed great mental and personality powers.  Aliens are also involved in business enterprises demonstrating great ability in business affairs able to make millions and sometimes even billions.  Furthermore, aliens are active in Hollywood, the entertainment industry, and some of the highest circles of politics.