The Real House of Prayer Christian Church Exposed
Many opinions are often circulated and give birth to rumors, which generally are unverified stories without any credibility to substantiate their false claims. Still, there is a market for it, regardless of how disingenuous the story may be. Our core principles at Truth About is not to emulate tabloid journalism nor report fiction to our readers. Instead, our reporters receive information firsthand from credible sources and witnesses to ensure that each article is candid and honest; moreover, our board of directors wants to set the record straight and present the Real House of Prayer Christian Church to our readers.
A Vision to Build Out Not Up
The Real House of Prayer Christian Church is unaffiliated with the majority of the churches throughout the world that bear the same name. Though some of these have a good report within their communities, while others are notorious for financially fleecing and abusing their flocks, HOPCC seeks to change the world not by growing their own name but by helping people and other churches. Their desire has never been to strangle another’s vision nor become a religious conglomerate but to aid whosoever in whatever capacity necessary.
Helping People
You do not have to look far to see that humanity is suffering. The Real House of Prayer Church is only guilty of one thing – love. This was demonstrated recently in visits to a Haitian immigrant community. On the first visit, after being told that the food being distributed was free, one man stated: God bless the USA. On a subsequent visit, an impromptu Bible Study was given with the help of a brother from this remarkable Church in another state. The language barrier was shattered, and they heard the gospel in their native tongue: Creole. This encouraged these outcasts of society to make commitments to God and changes in their lives.
The Real House of Prayer Christian Church helping other Churches
Today many churches have become competitive in trying to make a name for themselves, treating other churches as the enemy and crushing them in their goal to become number one. The Real House of Prayer Christian Church is not so! They have invested millions in church buildings and humanitarian efforts worldwide, including Israel, India, Brazil, Nigeria, Haiti, El Salvador, Mexico, and the US.
Testimonies at HOPCC Fayetteville NC
A man at HOPCC Fayetteville, NC, where Alexander Schmidtke is pastoring, was wasting away in his bed for years in hopelessness and depression, was told by his wife that the Church was asking for him one night in service. He jumped up, ran to the Church, and began to pray. Then, after repenting from his sins, he immediately started cleaning the Church and witnessing to others. His mind has not been the same since.
Divine Appointments
This phenomenal Church is notorious for being in the right place at the right time. One late evening, church members driving home from witnessing to people noticed a man standing and looking over a bridge, obviously contemplating suicide. Though many cars passed by, they were unaware of the impending tragedy for this man. As the church members spoke to him, he decided not to end his life but try Jesus instead. They prayed, and he began to attend Church.
Miracles at HOPCC Fayetteville NC
They say that HIV is an incurable disease, but don’t tell that to someone attending a healing service at this extraordinary Church. A man doomed to die came was healed and was told by his doctor he no longer needed treatment. Now he is studying for the ministry!
People Encouraged at House of Prayer Fayetteville NC
A lady recently asked for prayer for her incarcerated son. Facing twenty years after prayer was made, the judge stated the case did not make sense and gave him three years. However, seeing that prayer works, she is now encouraged to seek his salvation.
Answers to Prayer
Two soul-winners prayed to be led to someone sincere. They met an older lady walking, invited her to Church, and exchanged phone numbers. She even gave her address. After several attempts, they did not take no for an answer and went by her house. The lady was so happy -she did not know how to work her phone and prayed to go to Church. Come to find out; she came to House of Prayer Fayetteville, NC, ten years earlier! Now she is a regular member.
Lives and Churches Turned Around
Known for its reputation for prayer, several local pastors visited this rare Church one day to see if what they heard was true. Do they pray? Upon learning and seeing for themselves the people coming, they said they too wanted to pray. Imagine the impact if we all lived like this!